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This is one of the biggest concerns India is facing. According to 2011 Global Hunger Index Report, India was ranked 15th amongst the leading countries with Hunger situation. More that one third of world's malnourished children live in India. How can we aspire to be a Global power if we are unable to give our children a healthy life?

Malnutrition can be defined as the situation where there is an unbalanced diet in which some nutrients are in excess, lacking or wrong proportion. It can be categorized in two: Under-nourished and over-nourished.

One of the major causes for malnutrition in India is gender inequality. Due to the low social status of Indian women, their diet often lacks in both quality and quantity. Women who suffer malnutrition are less likely to have healthy babies. In India, mothers generally lack proper knowledge in feeding children. Consequently, new born infants are unable to get adequate amount of nutrition from their mothers.

  • Out of the 400 million children in India, every second child is malnourished (National Family Health Survey III – NFHS, 2005-06)
  • In India 22% babies are born with low birth weight (National Family Health Survey III - NFHS)

It was the decision of the Prime Minister's Council on India's Nutrition Challenges that one of the best strategies to combat the problem of malnutrition, would be to educate and empower the families and mothers on better care of their children. I support the decision and I pledge that I will do whatever I can, on my part to overcome this national situation.


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