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A tribute to Nance, The Cutest Kitten

This article is written by my friend, Anjala Singh and I am just fulfilling a request she asked me.

Everybody loves pets, right? Someone prefers a dog, someone a cat and some other like to keep a parrot. We have also seen people keeping an eagle, a pig, a rat, a chimpanzee and even a tiger too as a pet. Well, everyone has their own taste.

But, what do we mean when we take up some random animal as pet? What I think is, a pet is like a child, one that loves you back as much, and sometimes even more, as you love it. You take care of it, love it, spend as much time as you like with it. You sometimes get angry at it too. But it never hates you or annoys you with its unnecessary yapping. They are the closest to you and understand what you are saying even if they don't speak you language.

I had a pet too, a kitten. I called her Nance. She was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I little, brown, furry, cute live kitten. I loved to hug her. I first saw her when my Mother brought her into the house one rainy day in a very bad condition. She was newly born, all soaked in rain and looked very weak, almost on the verge of death. Mother took care of her. In a few days Nance got all healthy and strong and she started playing all over the house. Seeing that she is all o.k. now my Father and brothers asked us to get rid of her. But me and mother kept her after some argument and discussion with them.

We kept Nance hidden in my room so as not to be seen by others or they would start again. I would feed her, play with her, talk to her even when I knew she wouldn't understand. At night, she would sleep with me on my bed. In a very short time she got attached to me and I got very fond of her. Wherever I went she would follow me and if she wakes up and could not find me, she would search all of the house while calling for me with her sweet little purrs. Within 3 weeks, she was accepted by everyone as one of the family members.

With her sweetness she even convinced Father, The authority in the house whose every word was a command to be followed immediately. Even Father started playing with her occasionally. While at dinner when everybody started eating, Nance would go to everyone asking for just one bite. Anymore would be a waste but one bite was a must and until she gets that one bite she wouldn't stop nagging you.

Nance used to sleep on the sofa in the main hall during the day. It was like she was another one of the authorities of the house whose cuteness was enough to make everybody listen to her and let her whatever she wants. She didn't like water much, but I made sure that she bathe everyday. Whenever she would do something wrong and she knows it, she would keep an eye out for me. And when I would call out her name in a little angry voice she would know that I am angry and she would stop doing it.While I worked in the kitchen she used to sit between my legs. she would occasionally get up, walk around me once and then sit at same place again.

I found her my only friend and used to talk to her whatever be my mood. I would talk all sorts of things and it seemed like she understood every word of it. She would make no sound while I'm speaking as if hearing intently but if I make up a question or mention a important point she was sure to meow at that time as is to support me.

We never kept her tied up. She was free to leave whenever she wanted. She used to go out every evening, play a little, try to hunt and return back to us. But she did not stay with us for long. Some 2 weeks ago, she went out in the evening and didn't return.We waited for her all night long. Next day I was to leave for Delhi and I just wanted to see her once before that. Mother even went out looking for her but Nance was nowhere to be found. She never returned. I left for Delhi that day with heavy heart. Mother went looking for her again many times after that but all in vain. Almost after 2 weeks, today, Mother found out from a village lady that a brown kitten was playing around her house for a few days when some men killed her just because they didn't like her. I cried the whole day and I am still crying while writing this.

I am writing this as a tribute to Nance for all the love that she gave us and to let her know that we still love her and we will never forget her.

May she be in Peace in her afterlife.


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