We are social animals, which means we like to associate with people. From the birth till our death we are influenced by and, most of the times unintentionally, influence others. This contact between 2 people, however brief it may be, where they acknowledge the existence of each other creates a relationship between them. The moment you are born you have your first relationship, with your mother, considered to be the most sacred of all relationships in one's lifetime. You are dependent on her for your survival while she is bound to you by the love of offspring. With this you start to grow up gradually and create many more relationships with other people around you. We can categorize all the relationships formed during one's lifetime into 4: Family Relationships Friendships Romantic Relationships, and Acquaintanceships Each relationship has its own dynamic however what all of them have in common is a need of interaction between 2 people. To carry any ...
My Dumb Diaary
The life's worth.....